Prayer Resources2022-09-11T12:07:42+01:00

These Three remain … Faith, Hope and Love.  This is an initiative of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland to draw congregations and their members together in God to express his life and witness in this moment.

“They raised their voices together in prayer to God.”

(Acts 4:24)

Rejoice Always

Worshipping, delighting in, praising the Lord for who He is and what He has done in Christ.

  • Rejoice in Jesus praying, submitting Himself to the Father’s will for our salvation. See His courage, sacrifice, perseverance, endurance, patience.
  • Worship the Lord for His qualities and characteristics – holiness, love, grace, justice, mercy.
  • Praise the Lord for all the spiritual blessings that come our way through the cross – salvation, sin forgiven, adopted into God’s family, eternal life.

Pray Continually

Talking with the Lord about all that’s going on in life, seeking His will for our lives. Some ideas …

  • Ukraine – for the Lord to break-in and bring peace, for protection, for the Church to shine in the darkness.
  • NI Assembly, that people of faith, integrity and skill would lead our government.
  • Sunday Services – for people to come along to celebrate our salvation together, for people to come to faith for the first time, for all of us to grow closer to Jesus, to be empowered and equipped to live for Him and share Him in our daily lives.
  • Remember before the Lord those who are under stress: grief, pain, illness, surgery, loneliness, anxiety, depression, cost of living problems, strained relationships, etc.
  • Pray for our village, for whatever the Lord brings to mind e.g. businesses, schools, neighbours, farmers.

Give Thanks

Noticing the Lord’s gifts and ways of working in your life and our congregation, and thanking Him!

  • Well, what have you seen? What (little? big?) gifts has the Lord brought along today?
  • What are you thankful for in our congregation? What signs of His Spirit working do we see?
  • How have you seen Him in your family? workplace? our village?

Prayer for our Church and Community

Pray for Sunday services (whether in-person or online),  – for many folks to be drawn back to worship together, for the praising of God’s Name, the preaching of His Word, and for lives to be transformed by the Gospel.

Pray for our ministry team, elders and organisation leaders as they plan for a new church session. Pray for increasing connections with our children, young people, families, senior members, and community.

Pray for our senior members in particular who have been isolated for so long, many of whom feel cautious about being out and about. Pray they would know the LORD’s friendship, peace and protection.

Pray for those who have been affected by Covid in terms of their health, their mental well-being, their relationships, or their workplaces. Pray for healing and wholeness in Christ.

Pray for schools, colleges and universities starting back, for pupils and students, teachers/lecturers and support staff. Pray for Christians to be salt and light in education.

Global Mission


The events of Easter and the week leading up to it changed the course of the world forever.

Pray for our village and surrounding area, for farmers and workers in the agri-food business under pressure, for local shops and the school, for our neighbours (name them before the Lord), for those most alone and vulnerable.

Pray for those who have lost their jobs, for those whose businesses are under severe pressure and strain, people for whom the future is very uncertain – that the Lord would provide and guide.

Pray that we would grow closer to the Lord during this challenging time, that we’d grow more like Jesus, that we would live for the things that God says matter most – loving Him and loving others.

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