Peter & Valerie Lockwood
Peter and Valerie have been serving with United Mission to Nepal (UMN), a Christian development organisation since 2012. Peter works as a programme adviser for UMN and is a member of the UMN leadership team. Valerie assists in UMN’s human resources department and is involved in a variety of ministries outside UMN.
As the programme adviser, Peter has both management and technical engineering roles. He assists in the design, implementation and completion of UMN’s community focus programmes that cover education, health, livelihoods and peacebuilding. He continues to assist with engineering reconstruction in Dhading following the 2015 earthquake and technical matters for UMN’s two mission hospitals in Tansen and Okhaldhunga.
Latest News and Prayer Requests
Peter and Conor returned to Nepal in mid-October.Since returning Peter has been in the process of handing over various work responsibilities in United Mission to Nepal (UMN). Over the last nine and a half years, Peter has been involved with engineering support to UMN’s mission hospitals in Tansen and Okhaldhunga. In Tansen, work has commenced on the major infrastructure planning. Parts of the hospital date back to the late 1950s /early 1960s and need to be replaced. Peter was also able to finish the Nursing Campus design at Okhaldhunga Hospital, which will be tendered early in 2022. Even though Okhaldunga Community Hospital has been under a major reconstruction phase 2013-2020, there is further need to expand the hospital from 50 to 100-bed facility.
Valerie and Erin returned to Nepal at the end of November to say goodbye. The whole family will leave in middle of December.
General update on Nepal and United Mission to Nepal.
In November, Dhana Lama was installed as UMN’s 13th Executive Director, and the first Nepali in its 67 year history. It is not an easy time to take over as the Project Agreements are still not signed and there continues to be deep suspicion of UMN’s activities and work.
Pray for
- Pray for the various difficult situations that UMN faces.
- Pray for the Dhana Lama, the new Executive Director of UMN.
- Pray for us as a family as we transition out of Nepal and back into life in Northern Ireland.